Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I've Been Diced! episode 69: Troy Goodfellow on computer and board games

Troy Goodfellow, founder of the Three Moves Ahead podcast, joins me for a discussion of computer strategy games versus boardgames. What do computer games do well that boardgames don't, and vice-versa? What can the two genres learn from each other? Plus, this episode's Game Off The Beaten Path is W1815, a brilliant little game about the Battle of Waterloo. (c) 2015 Tom Grant


  1. great episode, i always enjoy 3 moves ahead. If you want to be taught dwarf fortress, I am one of the five people who understands the game, pm at bgg dukeofchutney, perhaps we could work something out.

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  3. I always enjoy your perspective and history within the hobby, Tom. This time it was the comparisons between W1815 and the original(!) microgames of the 1970s. Like you, I'm a fan of both.

  4. i always enjoy 3 moves ahead. If you want to be taught dwarf fortress, I am one of the five people who understands the game,

    thanks for sharing...
