Sunday, February 15, 2015

I've Been Diced! episode 63: Sandy Petersen

Sandy Petersen, designer of Cthulhu Wars (among many other games), talks about the origins of the Call of Cthulhu RPG, the early days of Chaosium (which also published the Runequest RPG, the original Arkham Horror, and plenty of other innovative games). Sandy also tells us how Cthulhu Wars was almost his swan song as a game designer, how he slipped Lovecraftian references into video games on which he worked (ever heard of Doom or Age of Empires?), and the upcoming Theomachy game. (c) 2015 Tom Grant


  1. Had to laugh at SANDY PETERSEN describing himself as a 'gaming non-entity' before starting the Cthulhu Wars kickstarter!

  2. I liked the arrows for their help in organizing your notes.
